Invisalign in Irvine: Transforming Your Smile

Are you hoping to achieve a healthy, beautiful, straighter smile without braces? Renew Dentistry of Irvine is your certified Invisalign provider in Irvine, CA. As your dentist in Irvine, we can help adults and teens enhance the appearance of their smiles and improve their oral health in a comfortable, discreet manner.

Orthodontic Treatment to Improve Your Oral Health

While an attractive smile is a significant benefit of Invisalign treatment, it's essential to recognize the impact that orthodontic therapy can have on your oral health. Misaligned teeth can lead to various issues that extend beyond the way your smile looks.

By investing in Invisalign, you're also enjoying added benefits of:

Straight Teeth, Healthy Gums

When teeth are crooked or crowded, they are more susceptible to gum disease and tooth decay. Improving your bite alignment lowers your chances of cavities and periodontitis around misaligned teeth.

Jaw Alignment

Orthodontic correction can help address functional issues associated with your bite and jaw alignment. Problems like overbites, underbites, or cross-bites can lead to TMJ discomfort, worn enamel, and headaches. By aligning your jaws properly, orthodontic treatments can enhance the way your bite functions, reducing the chances of worn or chipped enamel.

Reduced Risk of TMJ Disorder

Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) disorder can cause jaw pain, headaches, limited range of motion, and general discomfort. Orthodontic care can play a pivotal role in addressing TMJ issues by improving your jaw alignment.

Invisalign Treatment

Unlike traditional braces, Invisalign uses a series of clear, removable aligners to gradually shift your teeth into their perfect position. Since they're virtually invisible, they allow you to maintain your natural smile while undergoing treatment. It's a comfortable and discreet option that can give you a beautifully aligned smile.

Invisalign is digitally mapped out in advance, virtually moving your teeth into the proper alignment inside the innovative treatment planning software. From there, our family dentist in Irvine will print each custom-fitted aligner to fit your unique smile. Each pair of trays guide your teeth closer to the result.

Invisalign in Irvine, CA - Renew Dentistry of Irvine
Invisalign in Irvine, CA - Renew Dentistry of Irvine

Why Consider Invisalign?

Invisalign is comfortable and clear, making it easy to wear and practically invisible when you're smiling or talking. Plus, the removable aligners allow you to eat anything, anytime, and they're easy to clean.

Originally, Invisalign was designed for adults. But teens make great candidates, too. When you visit Dr. Peter Lim, we can provide you with a professional assessment and estimated treatment time based on your unique smile.

Find Out if Invisalign is Right For You

Invisalign isn't just about achieving a picture-perfect smile. It's about improving your oral health in a holistic, natural manner. Contact our Invisalign dentist today to schedule a consultation at Renew Dentistry of Irvine.

Renew Dentistry of Irvine